Henry N. Cobb maaakt deel uit van de architecten groep I.M. Pei of Pei Cobb Freed & Partners. Nog het bekendst van de glazen piramide die op het centre court van het Louvre in Parijs te zien is. Henry N. Cobb is een Amerikaan en leeft in New York City en North haven Maine.
cross six decades of exceptionally diverse practice, two central themes are consistently evident in the firm’s body of work. The first is the conception of architecture and planning as an art of place making—embodying above all else a concern for the quality of public space and public life. The second is a commitment to the craft of building—emanating from a belief that thoughtful use of materials and careful attention to detail are indispensable to the creation of a meaningful and responsible built environment. (citaat afkomstig van de site van het bureau)